Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Away We Go...

Since I met my oh so handsome fiance, I have become basically fearless. {okay, that's exaggerating} 

I'm still afraid of bugs and the dark (most of the time), still afraid of showers with an opaque curtain (hello! That's how you get MURDERED!), still afraid of not being able to move all my limbs (like if someone is tying me down...um no thank you.)

But I like to think that I have become physically fearless. It all started on our trip to Europe when we stayed in hostels. You: "What?? In those gross beds??" Me: "I know. I'm fearless." 

The first time I went to Europe, I took the airplane blanket off the plane {ignore the illegal activity here} and used it to sleep ON TOP OF THE COVERS of every single hotel we stayed in. Yes, I am that spoiled. But when I went with Sebastien, I dove right in and slept under the covers. I didn't even bring my own travel pillow case. They should make a movie about my bravery. 

We have hiked up and down mountains... {ok so more like big hills, but whatevs}, we have swam in water where I can't see the bottom, and we have jumped out of a plane. TWICE! 

It's safe to say that I am addicted to skydiving. The first time we went was about 3 years ago. He bought it for me as a birthday present. I was SCARED. 

Below is us on the plane before we jumped the first time. 
I'm pretending not to be scared.

And then I saw this...that's Sebastien plummeting towards the earth

And now there's me on the ledge. That's my "I'm about to mess my pants" face.

But then there is this:

Seriously - there is NO cooler feeling in the world than when you are falling towards the earth. Nothing is more freeing or exciting. I was not scared AT ALL while I was falling. I never once thought "what if my parachute doesn't open??" 

Ok so maybe LANDING is a little bit of a better feeling than when you're falling. Because then you know for sure you're safe! Ha!

This second time we went, we bought it as a present for my bestie Brittany. We found an awesome deal at Skydive Houston through Groupon! She brought her husband, and the four of us had a blast!!

Killing time before our "load" was called.

I got to put my jumpsuit on early because I was a little too eager

Getting excited!!!

We didn't buy the photos or the video of us in the air this time, but it was still a blast!! I went out of the plane doing a cannonball which was basically AWESOME.


We all had a really great time and lived to tell about it!! I can't wait to do it again :)


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