Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What I'm Reading Now...

I. LOVE. READING. I always have, & I hope I always will! One of my favorite things to do is to go to a book store and just wander around looking for something to catch my attention. Something new. Something I haven't heard about yet. It's so exciting to me to think that I will discover something great and be able to spread the word! I would feel so accomplished.

Just one problem though - when I do that, I usually hate the book that I pick out. Sad. I have come to the realization that I am horrible at choosing books. Why? I do what you're not supposed to do, and I totally judge that book by it's cover. I mean come on - if they can come up with a good cover, then they are probably smart enough to write a good book. Well, that logic doesn't follow. (With a few exceptions! YAY! See below)

So I gave in, & I read "The Help." Just like everyone else in America. And LOOOOOOVED it! Just like everyone else in America. So if you're putting off reading it just because you think "everyone else is doing it" - stop that right now. Read it. It took me only 3 days because I couldn't stop!
Before "The Help", I read "Nothing to Envy, Ordinary Lives in North Korea" by Barbara Demick. 
Amazing! If you know me at all,  you would know that I am not one to go for non-fiction. I'm all about magic and unicorns and worlds that exist beyond this one...but for some reason I really wanted to read this book. 

It was in the "Staff Recommendations" at a local bookstore in DC, so I guess I technically didn't find it myself - whatever. But it was really, really good and so eye-opening. If you don't know anything about Communism in North Korea (a la me!), I think you would really like it. Demick visited North Korea herself and also interviewed 6 North Korean defectors to write this book. A satellite picture like this one is the opening of Chapter 1

How CRAZY is that?? Check it out!

At my latest excursion to B&N (back in May or so) I picked out a few books. The only that I have read is "A Man in Uniform" - historical fiction about the Dreyfus Affair (late nineteenth century Paris). Not the best, not the worst. But this one I did pick out all by myself in B&N, so of course it wouldn't be the best. I mean check out the cover - I was hooked! I'm totally the girl at the bottom with the parasol. 

Even though I still have TONS of books on my shelf to read - I picked up one at Anthropologie the other week and have chosen that as my next read. Duh, everyone always gets their intellectual stimulation at Anthro. It's called "Lunch in Paris. A love story with recipes" by Elizabeth Bard. I've only been reading it one night (and only 10 pages - embarrassing), but it is already really cute! I am dying to travel again {to PARIS} so I thought this would be a good way to live vicariously through someone else writing about it. Haven't come to any recipes yet, but I'll be sure to share one on here when I do.

Happy Reading!!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Since You've Been Gone...

Sooo I've been a little MIA. Oops. Been busy keeping up with that other blog, but now that that's over - back to this one!! As an apology for not posting in a while, I am going to share the best chocolate chip cookie recipe. EVER. I got it from Amanda's Cookin Blog here.

Her secret is that she uses shortening along with butter... which is better for you too! Ok, maybe not. But it does make for some delicious cookies. There is just the right amount of cinnamon so they're not like plain Jane chocolate chip cookies. And the dough is great too so make sure to eat plenty of that! Ha!

Just a little warning - these are addictive. And the recipe makes like a billion cookies (see below). Be sure to have friends around to share the wealth!

I made these a couple weeks ago and sent a good amount to work with my boyfriend. I got an email from his secretary thanking me - so you know they're good!!

Happy Baking!