Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cleaning Your Make Up Brushes

Up until I saw this video over at Capitol Hill Style, I must admit I didn't clean my brushes very often at all. Now I do it every week! They feel soooo much better when they're clean, & after you see all the grossness that comes off when you wash them you will want to do this every week too.

All she uses is Antibacterial dish soap and EVOO. How easy! You can clean your brushes right now!! I haven't bought the brush guards yet, so I just dry mine on their side - faux pas apparently. Whatevs. This girl is adorable & says things like "sebum" so you know she's legit.

Now go clean your brushes or your face will break out with bacteria!

Friday, October 7, 2011

You've Gotta Try This

I'm slacking on my blogging again - boo me. Skydiving was going to be my next AWESOME post, but since it's been postponed, I am going to share 2 website that you've gotta try!

First: Whole Foods Cooking

This is the "Recipe of the Day" - Wild Rice & Barley with Apricots and Tarragon 

I don't know about you, but that sounds super fancy to me. But I can totally do it! And I'm going to this weekend. Just you wait. They have tons of recipes on there, & since they're from Whole Foods I automatically feel like they are healthy and cool. I don't know why I always feel so much more hip when I'm in Whole Foods than when I'm in Kroger. I mean it's just a grocery store...or is it? I absolutely LOVE walking around Central Market and/or Whole Foods. I feel like there are so many things that I've never tried! But then I get frustrated because they don't have things like Golden Grahams, and I go back to Kroger where I belong. ANYWAY. Try this website for recipes if you want to be cool.

Second: Pinterest

Now, you have to be invited or get on a waitlist (for like a day), but it's seriously worth it. This suggestion does come with a {warning} though - IT'S ADDICTIVE. Now you may be thinking - 

"um, it's just pictures I'm pretty sure I can handle myself." 

No. I was "pinning" this morning at 6:15. That's an addiction. 

But you can pin cool things like this:

Hilarious things like this: 

And BEAUTIFUL things, like this:

I mean seriously... that is some good stuff right there. Anyway. I hope you will join, & I hope you will follow me so I can follow you & see what wonderful things you find to pin.

Happy Friday!