Friday, October 7, 2011

You've Gotta Try This

I'm slacking on my blogging again - boo me. Skydiving was going to be my next AWESOME post, but since it's been postponed, I am going to share 2 website that you've gotta try!

First: Whole Foods Cooking

This is the "Recipe of the Day" - Wild Rice & Barley with Apricots and Tarragon 

I don't know about you, but that sounds super fancy to me. But I can totally do it! And I'm going to this weekend. Just you wait. They have tons of recipes on there, & since they're from Whole Foods I automatically feel like they are healthy and cool. I don't know why I always feel so much more hip when I'm in Whole Foods than when I'm in Kroger. I mean it's just a grocery store...or is it? I absolutely LOVE walking around Central Market and/or Whole Foods. I feel like there are so many things that I've never tried! But then I get frustrated because they don't have things like Golden Grahams, and I go back to Kroger where I belong. ANYWAY. Try this website for recipes if you want to be cool.

Second: Pinterest

Now, you have to be invited or get on a waitlist (for like a day), but it's seriously worth it. This suggestion does come with a {warning} though - IT'S ADDICTIVE. Now you may be thinking - 

"um, it's just pictures I'm pretty sure I can handle myself." 

No. I was "pinning" this morning at 6:15. That's an addiction. 

But you can pin cool things like this:

Hilarious things like this: 

And BEAUTIFUL things, like this:

I mean seriously... that is some good stuff right there. Anyway. I hope you will join, & I hope you will follow me so I can follow you & see what wonderful things you find to pin.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Boost, that doggie in the dinosaur costume is SO you....
