So after Amsterdam, we took the train to Paris to begin our month long stay in the dorm for our comparative law classes. I already wrote some about that adventure, so I thought I would write about our weekend adventures from Paris!
During our big four day weekend, we went to the region of Bretagne (Brittany) to a town called St. Malo because Sebastien’s uncle lives there! It’s so beautiful & right on the water. His uncle lived a little out of the main city center, but we just took a long walk to that area to explore. The main part is a walled port city with lots of shops & restaurants to explore. The tide here changes a lot as you can see from the pictures below – the boats are just hanging out on the shore J
The beach was really neat here too. We didn't go swimming because I thought it was kind of cold, but look how cool this swimming area is! The walled in part is like a swimming pool if you don't want to actually go into the ocean.

Le Mont Saint-Michel
My favorite part though was when we drove to visit Le Mont Saint-Michel - look how neat it is!
The tides here are very unpredictable too, & it is advised that people only use the causeway to get to & from the mainland. You can see the causeway here LOADED with buses & cars!
However, some crazies venture out to the sands that surround the area at low tide. I found it interesting that the flooding creates salt marsh meadows around the area where some sheep graze, & the meat of these sheep is a local specialty. It’s very different from regular meat because it's so salty. Can you see the people walking out around the island?? They are in the middle of the picture towards the right hand side. I can't believe they would walk out there! So adventurous J
The inside of Le Mont Saint-Michel is really pretty, & of course the different shops are all fun to visit. Here's what it looks like on the inside!

His family that we visited had such adorable, stereotypical French homes that I have to share! Look how perfect!
I would definitely recommend going to St Malo & also visiting Le Mont Saint-Michel because it’s just a train ride from Paris & so different from everything else!
**Travel Tidbit: The seafood in Bretagne is wonderful so be sure to try it!!